Welcome From The Chair

Message From the Chair

Note from the Interim Chair

When I look back to the earlier days and reflect on why I wanted to become a professor, I end up coming up with the same answer which is to train students, so they become well-meaning and contributing members of society.

Eight years after joining the faculty body in this department, receiving great mentorship from the then leadership, and learning the ropes, I am pleased to find myself back to help the department embrace the new opportunities which lie ahead and to support students’ training with the same enthusiasm that I had on day one.

I am proud of our high achieving student body who receive training in the undergraduate and graduate mechanical engineering programs or in the industrial/systems or engineering operations management graduate programs.

First and foremost, we celebrate the achievements of students who continue to push the frontiers of achievement in the department. Secondly, we celebrate the achievement of faculty and acknowledge their time investments in training our students. Having faculty who deeply care about applying the best teaching and research practices towards training students and about their well-being like ours means that our students’ success starts here. To ensure this, our faculty bring their highly-sought-after expertise to their classrooms every day and are intentional about providing an experiential education for our students. 

With our highly supportive and experienced technical and administrative staff, the right amount technical and logistical knowhow exists in our learning spaces which are equipped with the state of the art in hard and software and in our front offices.

The future of the department, in the hands of excellent faculty, supportive technical & administrative staff, high achieving students, and with adequate institutional support, is truly bright.

Congratulations on all your achievements!

Kagya Amoako Ph.D.