Dual Degree Applicants

Dual Degree Applicants

Bachelor’s + Master’s

Make a smooth and immediate transition from your undergraduate program to a graduate program.

Accelerated dual degree programs let you complete both your bachelor’s and master’s degree at the same time, which can lead to significant time savings and more earning potential after graduation. In some cases, you can complete both degrees in the same amount of time it would normally take to complete just the bachelor’s program. Accelerated dual degree students enjoy a significant discount on tuition by finishing their degree a full year sooner than traditional students. Most Accelerated programs are designed to be completed within four calendar years.

B.S in Mechanical Engineering and M.S in Mechanical Engineering

Through our program, you’ll build a multidisciplinary foundation in mechanical engineering and develop skills in physics, and mathematics as well. Master the techniques, skills, and engineering tools to harness moving parts and systems.

Explore the programs: B.S. in Mechanical Engineering | M.S. in Mechanical Engineering

Dual Degree Admissions

Students should apply to the undergraduate major of their choice. After being admitted to the University, students who meet the admission requirements for a dual degree program will be invited to pursue that option.